Artist shared various buildings from Age of Empires 2 as a wonderful dioramas

YouTuber Viva La Caffeine has very few subscribers, even though his content definitely deserves attention. Especially among the Age of Empires 2 fan community.
For over a year now, this skilled craftsman has been working on a series of dioramas depicting various buildings from the iconic strategy game. Starting in January 2023, the master has recreated several structures familiar to Age of Empires 2 players — a house, town center, stables, archery range, and barracks.
Each creation takes quite a lot of time, plus the YouTuber makes other medieval and World War II dioramas as well, but the process goes on. Hopefully, at this rate, in a few years he will be able to finish a full set. At least from one or two eras.
The artist was inspired to take on this project by a 3D model from Redditor FairMarsupial3996, so he asked permission to turn it into a diorama. So here are all the videos, including the process and final results:
House Diorama
Town Center Diorama
Archery Range Diorama
Stables Diorama
Barracks Diorama - Part 1 and 2
More of the artist's works can be found on his channel.