
AI Copilot user found that chatbot starts acting like a psychopath if asked not to use emojis

A Reddit user named L_H demonstrated how the AI assistant Copilot could be turned into a psychopathic villain, without resorting to any tricks or hacks. In the post, L_H describes how they decided to experiment...

Microsoft announced self-designed Maia and Cobalt chips for AI

Microsoft recently announced its intention to use its own chips to power Azure, Copilot, and ChatGPT, signaling the dawn of what could be termed the "chip wars" era in Artificial Intelligence (AI). This move, revealed...

Paint Cocreator — is a new way to generate AI-images in Windows 11

The latest Windows 11 update brings a new feature to the table: AI Copilot. Integrated with Bing Chat, it enhances familiar apps like Microsoft Office, Paint, and Photos with smart tech, making everyday computer work...

Microsoft enforces ban on unofficial Xbox controllers and accessories

Microsoft has initiated a clampdown on unofficial Xbox controllers and accessories starting November 12, 2023, where any unauthorized third-party accessories not within the "Designed for Xbox" partner program will cease to function with Xbox consoles....

Bill Gates skeptical about GPT-5 surpassing GPT-4 significantly

The buzz around generative artificial intelligence (AI) has been intensifying, largely due to the swift advancements in the technology within a brief period. However, the question arises: will this momentum persist? In a discussion with...

Microsoft and OpenAI sued for $3 billion over privacy concerns

Summary Microsoft and OpenAI are facing a lawsuit filed by a group of anonymous individuals, alleging that the companies' AI products, including ChatGPT, collected and utilized personal data without adequate consent.The lawsuit claims that Microsoft...

Microsoft's AI-powered Bing and Edge see 100 million daily active users

Microsoft's Bing and Edge have undergone a major overhaul in the last month, with the introduction of AI-powered capabilities that combine search, chat, answers, and content creation into one integrated experience. The company is now...

Microsoft launches OpenAI-powered Bing with Chatbot and enhanced search features

Microsoft's search engine, Bing, is receiving a major upgrade. The tech giant has teamed up with OpenAI to incorporate the company's AI technology into the search engine, which has been in operation since 2009 but...