
Now you can chat with your PDF with a new tool based on ChatGPT

If you've ever dealt with PDF files, you know how frustrating they can be to navigate. Whether it's research papers, contracts, or books, the format often lacks user-friendly search features, making it difficult to find...

Startup Figure is planning to replace human workers with its AI-powered robots

Robotics startup Figure has unveiled its latest creation, a humanoid robot named Figure 01. Designed to perform manual labor that relies on human workers, Figure's bipedal robot will initially work in warehouses, carrying out tasks...

Why you can't copyright or trademark an art style

Artistic expression is a fundamental part of human culture, and throughout history, artists have developed a wide range of styles and techniques to create unique works of art. However, despite the originality and creativity of...

ChatGPT and Whisper API update offers faster and cheaper language and speech-to-text capabilities

Developers now have access to cutting-edge language and speech-to-text capabilities with the availability of ChatGPT and Whisper models on OpenAI's API. The system-wide optimizations have led to a 90% reduction in cost for ChatGPT since...

ChatGPT barely passed U.S. Medical exam — expect AI doctors soon

A recent study by AnsibleHealth AI researchers tested OpenAI's ChatGPT on the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), a standardized series of three exams required for U.S. doctors vying for a medical license. The AI...

Tom Scott compared ChatGPT to 2023's Napster — and now he is scared

Tom Scott, popular educational YouTuber who offers videos across a range of topics including history, geography, science, technology, and linguistics, recently posted a new video on his channel, where he shares his experience using AI...

AI completes 17-hour flight on Lockheed Martin's training aircraft

Last December Lockheed Martin conducted a 17-hour flight test on their VISTA X-62A training aircraft using an artificial intelligence (AI) agent, and now we have a few official details about experimental program. The VISTA, which...

Voice actors speak out against the rise of AI generated voices

As the entertainment industry continues to embrace the capabilities of artificial intelligence, voice actors are facing a new challenge. Recently, video game voice actors have reported being asked to sign over their voice rights to...

Galileo AI is here to generate UI designs for you

Design has always been a delicate balance between creativity and efficiency. The ability to create something new and innovative is often hindered by the limitations of time and resources. But what if you could have...

Google to enhances search results with Generative AI, takes on Microsoft's Bing

The race for AI domination in the tech world just got more exciting with Google and Microsoft joining the battle for the top spot. Google announced plans to integrate generative AI into its search results,...

The rise of chatbots and its impact on employment and wealth distribution

Chatbot technology, like ChatGPT, next-generation of Bing search and Google's Bard, rapidly raising concerns about future job loss. While some experts argue that the fears about AI and unemployment are overblown, others point to the...

Microsoft launches OpenAI-powered Bing with Chatbot and enhanced search features

Microsoft's search engine, Bing, is receiving a major upgrade. The tech giant has teamed up with OpenAI to incorporate the company's AI technology into the search engine, which has been in operation since 2009 but...

Simple AI summarizer for TechCrunch articles will save you time

Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the way we access and process information, and now a new tool is making it easier to stay on top of the latest tech news. The AI news summarizer developed by...

Google announces Bard to compete with ChatGPT

AI has become one of the most crucial and profound technologies of our time, with a vast array of applications that can help people, businesses, and communities reach their full potential. Around six years ago...